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Promote justice. Your generosity plays a vital role in assisting thousands of disadvantaged Hoosiers in need of free legal services, resources, and education each year.
Did you know?
For every $1 invested in Indiana Legal Aid Agencies, like ours, the citizens of Indiana receive $6.70 of immediate and long-term financial benefits.
How to Donate
Donations can be made securely online or by check. Checks are made payable to the address below. To donate to our Amazon wishlist, please click here.
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
3333 N. Meridian St.
Suite 201
Indianapolis, IN 46208
For information about corporate matching, alternative giving, or in-kind gifts, please get in touch with Development Manager, Crystal Quince, at cquince@nclegalclinic.org.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, donations made to the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic are tax deductible. After donating, a receipt will be mailed or emailed to confirm your donation. No returns or refunds will be given.