Donor Privacy Policy
The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic respects the privacy of its donors and has put in place a Donor Privacy Policy to honor your rights.
The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic collects the following personal information when a donor voluntarily provides it to the organization:
Name, address, phone number, and e-mail address
Other personal information such as occupation, personal interests, and how you heard about the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
Questions, comments, and suggestions you wish to share with the Clinic
Your request to receive periodic updates
The Clinic also keeps a record of each donor’s giving history. This information is kept on file for IRS purposes and used by the Development department to analyze overall giving patterns to make more accurate budget projections.
The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic uses donor information to mail donors receipts; thank donors for their support; update donors on events and accomplishments at the Clinic; and notify donors of any changes made to this policy. We do not want to send unwanted mail or information about the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic to our donors. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us if you wish to be removed from our mailing list.
To publicly recognize and thank donors for their generosity, our annual report publishes the names of all individuals contributing. In addition, we may also purchase advertising space in a local periodical or newspaper, publicly thanking our donors who have contributed. You may, however, choose to waive this benefit by designating your support as “anonymous.” This ensures your name will never appear on any public Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic donor list.
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic does NOT sell, trade, or share its donor list with any other organization.
Every employee at the Clinic has a personal password for their computer. Donor information is kept on a database that requires an additional password to access. Only personnel directly involved with handling donor information have access to this donor database.
The Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic relies on Salesforce and iATS to collect and track online donations. This software has been completely secured by the same encryption methods used for stock brokerage firms and online banking. It is also ECFA accredited and guarantees the privacy and safety of your online contributions. Unless requested by the donor to process recurring donations, the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic does not store, nor does it have access to, your credit card information.
Thank you for your financial partnership. For questions or concerns regarding our Donor Privacy Policy, please contact Erin Hall at or at 317-429-4131 ext. 136.