Sustaining in a New Year: A Special Message from Executive Director Amy Horton

Executive Director Amy Horton

Executive Director Amy Horton


For many years, I didn’t even bother to consider setting New Year’s resolutions, because it seemed that, invariably, I was unable to sustain one. The inevitable failure did not position me well as I started a new year, and the process only served as a painful reminder of my shortcomings.   

One year, I had even tried to trick myself into success with a New Year’s resolution. Rather than resolving to do something new, I determined instead to stop doing something that was wasteful, unhealthy, or not providing value to my life. Surely, I could succeed at that. After all, I wasn’t adding a responsibility. When it turned out I couldn’t even stick to that, it brought me to a new low in the resolutions department.

As it turns out, sustaining a habit is a challenge for most of us. I heard somewhere that 80% of New Year’s resolutions across the U.S. are not lived out. A few years ago, I met with a high school friend for lunch early in the new year. She confided that she will not allow herself to set a resolution until she can remember to take a multivitamin every day. Since making that decision, she still has not set a New Year’s resolution. How can it be that habitually doing something that is good for us and only takes a second to do can prove to be so elusive?

As I reflected on this conversation and my experience with resolutions, I realized I needed a new frame of mind. With assistance from my pastor, I eventually changed my approach to resolutions. I reduced my reliance on myself and increased my reliance on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This moved me from a perspective of self-confidence to one of God-confidence, and my spirit was renewed. With God-confidence, I am pleased to share I have now experienced success in sustaining a couple of very important resolutions.

As a believer, I gain great peace in the knowledge that my Lord and Savior is the Great Sustainer, despite my limitations and failures. He keeps His promises to us and in Him, we succeed. In Him, we can start or stop anything. In Him, we have strength. Psalm 55:22 reminds us: "Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken."

I know I can sustain in all I do if I rely more on the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and less on my own devices. With God’s help, I am confident in setting New Year’s resolutions again. For 2021, my resolution is Bible-based. It comes from Proverbs 3:5: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

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