Justice For All Gala 2017 Video & Highlights

Thank you to everyone who came to our Justice For All Gala last week, helping us to exceed our goal. Because of your generosity, we raised a total of $151,147 to continue serving more of our low-income neighbors!

Mayor Joe Hogsett spoke during the cocktail hour, saying, "For all throughout our community, there remain gaps we must seek to bridge and eliminate. But, fortunately, Indianapolis is also home to many individuals like all of you, who are working to make each day better for each and every one of their neighbors. Thanks to the compassion of the Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic, I can say with some degree of confidence that Indianapolis' best days--our very best days--are yet to come."

Bob Goff in the Indiana Landmarks Grand Hall

Bob Goff in the Indiana Landmarks Grand Hall

Keynote speaker and New York Times bestselling author Bob Goff encouraged those in attendance to bring their beliefs and actions into alignment with one another, telling everyone to, "Synch it up!" He said that doing this might be frightening, but that we should be even more afraid of complacency, saying, "The most dangerous thing we can do is play it safe; we were born to be brave!"

Thank you to everyone who refuses to play it safe by supporting justice in our community. Your prayers, donations, and volunteer efforts allow us to help clients like Opiew Ojulu and his family. Here is their story:

On December 13, 2003, government soldiers in Gambella, Ethiopia perpetrated a genocide against the Anuak people. Here is the story of just one Anuak family.

To support the work of Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic and clients like those in the video above, please donate now.

Music by Kai Engel. Music utilized and transformed in accordance with the Creative Commons License found here.



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