Weekly News & Updates: End of the Year Reminders!

CURRENT NEEDS Below we have a few major needs, but they are relatively easy and only take a few moments of your time. We need all volunteers to track their time and if you're an attorney, we need your updated case notes. Lastly, if you're looking for a volunteer opportunity in the new year, we need volunteer attorney help at the following intake locations: 1st Tuesdays @ Vida Nueva United Methodist Church from 4pm-6pm 1st Thursdays & 3rd Thursdays @ Aletheia Church(formally Madison Ave. Baptist Church) from 12pm-2pm 3rd Friday @La Plaza from 2pm-4pm

TRACK YOUR TIME If you've volunteered once or you volunteer on a regular basis with the Clinic, we need you to track your time! No matter what kind of volunteer you are, or how long you've been volunteering, or where you've volunteered, please track your time! It's so easy and won't take long! Please go HERE to track your time. If you've forgotten to track your time, no problem! You can track your time for past activities. We need everyone's hours for 2014 so that we can create our Annual Contributed Services Report in the new year.

CASE NOTES & UPDATES Attorneys: if you've taken a case referral from the Clinic we need to hear from you before the end of the year with an update on the case. Please email your Clinic contact with information regarding the case or cases you've taken. We need to clean up our files at the close of the year and we cannot update cases without your updates! Please email Erin, ehougland@nclegalclinic.org with any questions.


A Message from the Staff: Aimee Heitz


Weekly News & Updates: Quick Post 11/20/2014