Weekly News & Updates: 6/3/2014

"I know that when I pray, something wonderful happens. Not just to the person or persons for whom I'm praying,

but also something wonderful happens to me. I'm grateful that I'm heard." -Maya Angelou

Greetings Volunteers:

This week we began our 2014 Summer Internship Program with 21 new interns for ten weeks of justice work. We have law students and undergrads helping in all the Clinic's main programs from the following schools: Valparaiso University School of Law, Butler University, IU Robert H. McKinney School of Law Indianapolis and IU Maurer School of Law Bloomington, IUPUI, Ball State University, University of Evansville, Taylor University and Pepperdine School of Law.  It's a fun and dynamic group and this summer is shaping up to be a good one. We are starting things off with some fun events: next Monday we have Tastings & Trivia at Fountain Square Brewery and next Friday we have a Clinic Family & Friends Night at Victory Field for an Indy Indians baseball game.  Be sure to sign up by going to the "Upcoming Events" page  if you haven't already, it's a great way to meet our new interns and celebrate our 20th anniversary!

Lastly, please see the needs we have below. Attorneys, if you have time to commit to a regular intake slot, we could really use your help! Please consider and spread the word to those who may be interested. Our intakes are essential and we need your support.

Thanks, as always, for all your time and help!

Sincerely,Erin Hougland Volunteer Coordinator ehougland@nclegalclinic.org

Attorneys:We need help at intakes.

Intakes are a great way for attorneys to get a taste of what the Clinic does as a legal services agency. Intakes are held every day of the week, except Sundays, at different churches and community centers in Marion and surrounding counties. Intakes are designed as a point of entry for potential clients of the Clinic. At intakes potential clients are interviewed about their legal issue(s) and their information is entered into the online system. Intakes are two hours long and every intake is held at a different location and time. Your commitment as an attorney is one intake slot a month with a regular monthly commitment; for example: Attorney Andrews covers the 1st Monday of every month at St. Vincent Primary Care Center Intake from 4pm-6pm.

This volunteer opportunity is great for new attorneys AND for those attorneys who want to volunteer but want a regular and minimal time commitment.

Here's where we need your help:

St. Vincent Primary Care Center– every 2nd Monday

First Presbyterian Church of Noblesville – every 4th and 5th Thursday

Madison Ave. Baptist Church – every 3rd Thursday

Vida Nueva United Methodist Church– every 1st Tuesday

*All Intake locations and times can be found here: http://www.nclegalclinic.org/IntakeSchedule.aspx

Interpreters:We are also looking for Spanish speaking volunteers who can assist as interpreters for volunteer attorney case referrals. This work can be done online or over the phone and is flexible enough for people who have busy schedules. Please consider helping out with your second language skills. For more information contact Erin.

We are in need of Spanish language interpreter support at our intake locations. 2 hours a month, on a regular basis:

St. Vincent intake: Mondays from 4pm-6pm Shepherd Community Center: 1st & 3rd Saturdays 9am-11am La Plaza: 1st & 3rd Fridays 2pm-4pm

PrayerPartners: Interested in joining us in praying for our clients and partnering agencies? Want to be a part of our prayer list? Email ehougland@nclegalclinic.org


Meet Gabriel Cummings, IFPN Housing Intern


A Message from the Staff: Cassandra Sanborn on Vision