Gratitude in "God Moments"

Dee Dee Gowan

Dee Dee Gowan


Dee Dee Gowan is one of our Staff Attorneys as well as the Director of our Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC). In honor of Thanksgiving this week, we asked her to share moments when she has felt profound gratitude while working with clients. Here is what she shared: 

What I love most about my work here at the Clinic are the sweet and precious moments—God moments—that I get to experience with my clients during the journey of a tax case. Just last week, I had two of these experiences.

A couple in their mid-80s came in to sign multiple copies of multiple tax returns that we prepared. Mary* was having a tough time writing her name from the start. Watching her husband, Mike*, help her was a God moment for me. He signed his name and then coached his wife with kindness and love on how to sign hers, each and every time. He laughed often, which easily transformed her frustrations into smiles. Fifteen signatures later, he looked at me, smiled, and said, “I laugh on purpose.” I smiled back and nodded that I understood. I felt profoundly grateful to watch this love and grace in action. 

Then, not even 48 hours later, I had a similar experience. Two Congolese refugee clients, a mother and a daughter who were both victims of tax preparer fraud, came in to sign multiple documents for their tax cases. Bria*, the daughter, translated for Adama*, her mother. As Adama unsuccessfully attempted her first signature, she broke down in tears. Bria explained that her mother did not learn to write in their native language, let alone in English. And so Bria cupped her hands over her mother’s hands and told her they could do it together. I held back tears as I witnessed this sweet young woman helping her mother sign her name ten more times.  

Mike and Bria demonstrated God’s love and grace in action. Immediately, I felt filled to overflowing with love and grace as well. I am profoundly grateful that I get to experience God moments like these in my everyday work.

Like Dee Dee, we pray this Thanksgiving that your life is filled with such “God moments.” We are so grateful for you!

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at the Clinic!

*Names have been changed


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